[화제]고 안용구교수,하워드예술협회 공로상 수여 > 사회, 문화

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2024년 5월 21일
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[화제]고 안용구교수,하워드예술협회 공로상 수여

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일15-04-01 05:41 조회4,556회 댓글1건


[워싱턴 디씨=민족통신 종합]고 안용구교수는 최근 하워드카운티예술협회로부터 음악예술공로를 인정받아 특별상(Legacy In Arts Award)을 수상해 미국음악계에 화제가 되었다.

지난 328일밤 워싱턴디씨와 볼피모어 사이에 위치한 컬럼비아 시티에 소재한 열린 제18회 연례하워드카운티 예술축전에 초청받은 고인의 미망인 김정현여사, 그의 21(안호, 안준, 안영희)가 모두 참석하여 고인의 영예를 대신 안아 받았다.

안용구 교수는 유명한 바이올린 연주가일뿐만 아니라 지휘자, 교수 등을 통해 세계적인 음악가들을 길러낸 인물로서도 국내외에 널리 알려져 왔다. 장남 안호씨도 캔사스시티 교향악단 첼로주자이고, 딸 안영희씨도 필라델피아 교향악단 비올라 주자로 활동하고 있다.

이날 장남은 고인인 부친을 대신하여 답사를 하는 자리에서 안용구 교수는 콜럼비아 오케스트라의 초대음악감동을 역힘했고, 바이올린 연주자고, 지휘자, 교수로 뛰어난 교수로 많은 업적을 남겼다고 소개하는 한편 어린시절 아버지는 제자들을 세심하게, 인내를 갖고 지도하는 모습을 보며 자랐다고 돌이켜 보면서 제자들이 모두 음악가들이 된 것은 아니지만 변호사, 교수, 기업인 등 각계에서 훌륭하게 일하는 제자들을 두었고다고 설명했다.


Yong Ku Ahn

Howard County Arts Council

Award Acceptance Speech


On behalf of our family, we would like to thank the Howard County Arts Council and everybody who has made award possible.  We know that a lot of hard work and dedication has gone into this day.  The letters and support mean a tremendous amount to my mother, my sister, my brother and myself.


In the 1960’s, our family moved from Korea to Baltimore when my father became a professor at the Peabody Institute of Music.  Soon after my sister was born we moved to Howard County and this is where my siblings and I received our schooling.  It was here that we grew up hearing my father teaching his students with his gentle patience and care.  The violinists and violists that came from his loving instruction went on to be members of orchestras, chamber groups and to sometimes his dismay- rock and roll bands.  Not all became musicians, but they all were given an appreciation and love for music.  The dedication he taught for the craft carried on to making many of them successful doctors, scientists, lawyers, business leaders and teachers.  His belief in his pupils created them to be  solid people and citizens.


When my father, Yong Ku Ahn, was given the privilege to be the first music director of the Columbia Chamber Orchestra he acted not only as conductor, but librarian, general manager and often times personnel manager as well.  I’d often see him pasting and taping, bowing and fingering  orchestra parts into the night before rehearsals and concerts.  I also remember in the early days of the orchestra’s history when there would be more people on stage of concerts than people out in the audience.  When I was younger, I’d ask him if it was worth all the work that went into putting this together.  He’s smile and say it wasn’t for the next concert or the concert after that he was doing this.  It was for building something that would one day grow to sustain itself.  When I see what his early dedication has led to I think we can all agree that his dream came true.

Thank you for this honor.  



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제니 리님의 댓글

제니 리 작성일

안용구교수님이 비록 서거하셨지만 그의 공적은 지금도 평가되고 있기에 무척 기쁨니다. 저 세상에 계시는 선생님에게 축하드리고요, 그리고 사모님과 자제분들에게도 함께 축하의 말씀을 전합니다./뉴헤븐에서 Jenny Rhee


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