한국기독교협의회,평화협정체결 촉구 미국순회 집회 > 국제

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2024년 5월 31일
남북공동선언 관철하여 조국통일 이룩하자!
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한국기독교협의회,평화협정체결 촉구 미국순회 집회

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일16-07-20 14:10 조회7,381회 댓글2건


한국기독교협의회(NCCK)의 노정선 박사를 비롯하여 임원진은 정전협정이 맺어진지 60여년의 세월이 지나도록 90일내로 약속한 평화협정은 온데 간데 없고 긴장과 전쟁의 불씨를 지피고 있는 미당국의 횡포를 폭로하며 평화협정을 촉구하는 운동을 펼치기 위해 이곳 미국에 도착하여 7월 18일과 19일 로스엔젤레스, 20일과 22일 네바다, 유타, 콜로라도, 사우스 다코다, 아이오와, 23일과 24일에 시카고, 25일에 인디아나폴리스, 26일~28일에 워싱턴 디씨에서 미국 기독교계 지도자들과 미정부 당국자들을 만나 북미간의 평화협정을 촉구하는 순회방문 일정을 가지고 미 전국에서 평화협정촉구 운동을 벌이고 있다. 29일일에 귀국할 계획이라고 한다.[민족통신 편집실] 


NCCK Korea Peace Treaty Campaign US Tour

 조회 : 13  

NCCK Korea Peace Treaty Campaign US Tour

The USA is reeling in the midst of violence, voices crying out for justice having lost their faith and trust in the institutions meant to protect them, lashing out in desperate misguided attempts to reset the balance, and the response by many of those in power is to further alienate the voices of the unheard.

is context, I have humbly come from Korea to the US along with about 20 Korean pastors and professors to talk about the need to end the war in Korea, sign a peace treaty, and forego the dependence on violent means to solve conflicts. I realize this might be difficult to turn the focus to Korea in this moment, but the spiraling violence in the US is related to what could be spiraling violence in Korea as the US has finally agreed to installing the THAAD missile and radar system in Korea to the dismay of most of the rest of Northeast Asia. Yes, we must find a way to reform our institutional culture, police culture, and encourage people to non-violent responses in the US to create faith in the claim that Black Lives Matter to our systems of power.

The sigle story (which is dangerous) we have been told about the Korean conflict is that US forces selflessly came to the aid of Koreans when the evil and crazy communists invaded in 1950. What if there were more to the story that has been deliberately hidden and forgotten? What if violence in Korea began in reaction to US policies under occupation in 1945 when Koreans began asking themselves, “Do Korean Lives Matter to the US? Does Korean autonomy matter? Does the Korean right to self-determination matter?”

In the same way that we must not be distracted by violent responses to injustice, I ask that we are not distracted by the desperate violent responses of those we have demonized as our enemy in Korea. Instead we should commit ourselves ever more to uncovering and dismantling the system that leads people to that violent rebellions are the only way have their voices for justice heard.

Join this effort by signing our online petition here:


And read more about the background of the Korean context and the need for peaceful dialogue and respect of demands for justice and human rights on both sides at our websiteGlobal Campaign for a Korea Peace Treaty.

Our itinerary for the campaign in the US starting today:

July 18th – 19th: Los Angeles, CA:
Meet with Korean Church leaders in LA and share our story on the streets downtown.

July 20th – 22nd: Nevada, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Iowa:
Make our way across the west, especially stopping to hear the story of Wounded Knee

July 23rd – 24th: Chicago, IL:
Meet Korean Church leaders in Chicagoland, and worship at UMC and UCC churches.

July 25th: Indianapolis, IN:
Meet with Global Ministries of the UCC/Disciples and with Indiana state representatives.

July 26th – 28th: Washington, DC:
Meet with NCCCUSA, US gov’t representatives and members of the US administration.

July 29th – 30th: back to Seoul/Incheon (and me back to Daejeon!)

Prayers are welcome!

You can also follow our journey on Twitter with the hashtag #koreapeacetreaty. My Twitter handle is @elfslinger.

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기독교인들 중에도 이런 참기독교인이 있다는게 다행스럽다.
썪은 냄새가 나는 것이 기독교로 비난받아온 기독교인들이 수두룩한데
이처럼 사회정의와 진실을 토로하며 이역만리 미국에까지 가서 훌륭한 일을 하고 있는걸 보니
마음이 훈훈합니다.


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