[북]미시민권자 김동철목사 10년노동교화형 선고 > 국제

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[북]미시민권자 김동철목사 10년노동교화형 선고

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일16-04-29 20:04 조회10,245회 댓글9건


북조선 재판부는 작년 10월 북에서 용서받지 못할 간첩행위로 체포되어 오다가 오늘 조선의 재판부로부터 10년 노동교화형을 선고 받고 눈물을 흘리고 있다. 이 소식을 로이터 통신이 중국 신화통신 보도자료를 인용해 큰 비중으로 전했다.영어보도 원문을 다음과 같다.[민족통신 편집실] 

North Korea sentences Korean American

 to 10 years hard labour - Xinhua 

SEOUL, April 29 (Reuters) - North Korea's Supreme Court sentenced a Korean American man to 10 years of hard labour on Friday for subversion, China's Xinhua news agency reported, in the latest conviction of a foreigner for crimes against the isolated state.

Kim Dong Chul was arrested in North Korea in October and had admitted to committing "unpardonable espionage" including stealing military secrets, the North's official news agency reported earlier.

"The Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Friday sentenced South Korea-born U.S. citizen Kim Dong-chul to 10 years of hard labour for subversion of the DPRK social system and espionage activities," Xinhua said.

There were no further details.

North Korea, which has been criticized for its poor human rights record for years, has used detained Americans in the past to extract high-profile visits from the United States, with which it has no formal diplomatic relations.

It has previously handed down lengthy sentences to foreigners before eventually freeing them.

Six foreigners, including Kim and three South Koreans, are known to be detained in the North.

Kim, who has said he was a naturalised American citizen, had confessed to committing espionage under the direction of the U.S. and South Korean governments and apologised for his crimes, according to the North's KCNA news agency.

Some foreigners held by North Korea have said after their release that their confessions were coerced.

The North is also holding an American, Otto Warmbier, who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour in March for trying to steal a propaganda banner. It is also holding a Korean-Canadian Christian pastor, who is serving a life sentence for subversion.

North Korea has tightened security ahead of the first ruling party congress in 36 years which will begin on May 6. It has also intensified its pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles since its fourth nuclear test in January.

 (Reporting by Jack Kim; Editing by Robert Birsel)

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유학생님의 댓글

유학생 작성일

노벨평화상 수상자들 3명이 최근 평양을 방문하여 북측 학자들과 평화문제를 토론할 것으로 보입니다. 연합뉴스도 외신들을 이용하여 아래같이 보도했군요. 미국은 시민권자인 재미동포들을 이용하여 간첩행위로 정보들을 얻으려고 최근 별별 사건들을 유발하였으나 얻은 것은 하나도 없고 들통만 난것 같아요.

(서울=연합뉴스) 임은진 기자 = 노벨상 수상자 3명이 김일성종합대학 등에서 강연하기 위해 29일 평양에 도착한 것으로 보인다.

조선중앙통신은 이날 "'평화와 발전을 위한 국제학술교류' 행사에 참가하기 위해 리히텐슈타인 공국 왕자인 알프레드 자문이사회 위원장을 단장으로 하는 국제평화기금 대표단이 29일 평양에 도착했다"고 짧게 보도했다.

앞서 우베 모라베츠 국제평화재단 이사장은 지난 25일 "노벨상 수상자 3명이 29일 방북해 다음 달 6일까지 김일성대, 김책공업종합대학, 평양과학기술대학에서 강연과 세미나를 개최하며, 리히텐슈타인의 알프레드 왕자도 동행할 예정"이라고 미국의소리(VOA) 방송에 밝힌 바 있다.

중앙통신이 대표단의 면면에 대해 언급하지 않았지만, '알프레드 왕자를 단장으로 하는 대표단'이라고 전한 점을 미뤄볼 때 노벨상 수상자들도 함께 방북했다고 추론할 수 있다.

이날 북한땅을 밟은 것으로 보이는 노벨상 수상자는 영국의 리처드 로버츠 박사(1993년 생리의학상), 노르웨이의 핀 쉬들란 박사(2004년 경제학상), 이스라엘의 아론 치에하노베르 박사(2004년 화학상)다.

VOA에 따르면 이들은 도착 당일 평양에서 열리는 환영만찬에 참석한 뒤 30일부터 다음달 1일까지 평양의 미래과학자거리와 만경대학생소년궁전 등을 둘러볼 예정이다. 이후 나흘간 김일성대, 김책공업대, 평양과기대 등에서 경제 정책과 개발, 의학 혁명 등을 주제로 강연한다.

이어 다음 달 6일 평양을 떠나 베이징(北京)에 도착 후 이튿날 공식기자회견을 열어 방북 결과를 공개할 계획이다.

서울시민님의 댓글

서울시민 작성일

연합뉴스 곽명일 기자는 최근에 와서 국정원이 주는 쪽지를 이용하여 북을 중상하고 모략하는 과업을 받는대가로 촌지를 받는 것으로 알려져 입소문이 살살 흘러나오고 있다고 합니다.

카나다동포님의 댓글

카나다동포 작성일

한국극우들이 지랄발광하다가 된서리 맞을거 같다. 미국극우파 수잰 숄티라는 기집은 한국 임진각까지 와서 자기가  북한자유연합 대표라고 하며 탈북단체 박상학놈과 대북모략 풍선을 날렸다고 한다. 스근혜년은 이런걸 알면서도 모르는척한다고 한다. 알고보면 양키넘들과 박근혜년이 짜고 치는 소스톱이다.

멋진인생님의 댓글

멋진인생 작성일

ㅡㅡ;;;;; 김동철님, 안됐네요~!!!

멋진인생님의 댓글

멋진인생 작성일

나도 8년여전에 개성관광갔을때 저렇게 생긴 군인들을 봤던지라 내가봐도 북녘군인들의 매서운표정이 얼마나 무섭고 두려웠는지 지금도 잊지못한다~!!!

박수치자!님의 댓글

박수치자! 작성일

조선 정부가 저런 개쓰레기놈을 죽여서 장기를 조선의 인민들에게 주어야 하는데 차마 생명은 거두지 않아서 저놈 새끼는 감사해야한다.
지놈은 아마 조선이 악의 축이요, 사탄이라고 생각해서 조선에 기여들어가서 체제 전복을 위해 간첩질을 했지만 체포됬으니
아주 잘된 일이다.
나같은 사람은 남조선에서도 항상 일용직 노가다를 하고 배움도 부족해서 조선에 가면 조선에서 그 위대한 주체사상에 관한 많은 책들을 읽어보고 싶고 조선의 많은 사람들과 민족의 장래에 관해서 많이 듣고 대화를 나누고 싶은데 저런 개새끼는 미국 시민권자에 목사까지 하는 씨불랄놈이 우리의 자랑스런 참된조국에 불순한 동기로 기어들어 갔지만 그나마 조선정부가 자애로와서 차마 죽여버리는 것 대신에 10교화형이라는 관용을 베푼 것이다.

위대한 우리 조국 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 만세! 김정은 원수님 만세!

대학원생님의 댓글

대학원생 작성일

CNN News have also reported Rev.Kim Dong Chul:

(CNN)North Korea has sentenced a South Korean-born American citizen to 10 years of hard labor for subversion and espionage, a North Korean official told CNN.

Prosecutors were seeking a 15-year hard labor sentence for Kim Dong Chul for committing "offenses in a scheme to overthrow the socialist system of the DPRK," according to state-run news agency KCNA.
The defense asked that Kim's sentence be commuted, arguing "the crimes by the accused are very serious but he is old and may repent of his faults."
Friday's verdict was handed down by North Korea's Supreme Court.
The U.S. State Department said it is aware of the media reports about Kim's sentence.
"The welfare of U.S. citizens is one of the Department's highest priorities," State Department spokesman John Kirby said in an emailed statement.
"In cases where U.S. citizens are reported detained in North Korea, we work closely with the Swedish Embassy, which serves as the United States' Protecting Power in North Korea. We have no further comment due to privacy considerations."
Kim is the second American to receive a hard labor sentence from North Korea in the past two months.
A copy of Kim Dong Chul's passport provided by North Korea.
A copy of Kim Dong Chul's passport provided by North Korea.
In March, University of Virginia student Otto Frederick Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for allegedly removing a political banner from a Pyongyang hotel.
CNN's Will Ripley spoke to Kim in January, under the watch of North Korean officials. Kim told CNN he used to live in Fairfax, Virginia, and had been in detention for three months.
Exclusive: North Korea reveals U.S. prisoner to CNN
Kim said he moved to Yanji, a Chinese city near the Chinese-North Korean border that acts as a trade hub between the two countries, in 2001. From Yanji, Kim said he commuted daily to Rason, a special economic zone on the North Korean side of the border, where he served as president of a company involved in international trade and hotel services.
Spying confession
North Korea continues missile tests

North Korea continues missile tests 01:54
According to Kim, he spied on behalf of "South Korean conservative elements" on the country's nuclear and military program.
"I was tasked with taking photos of military secrets and 'scandalous' scenes," he said at the time.
"They asked me to help destroy the (North Korean) system and spread propaganda against the government."
North Korea launches two midrange missiles; both tests fail
Kim's comments to CNN in January were made in the presence of North Korean officials and CNN cannot determine whether they were made under duress.
Like Kim, the University of Virginia student Warmbier also gave a confession to international media.
North Korea accuses Warmbier of taking the banner at the urging of a church member, the CIA and a secretive university organization.
North Korea 'collecting assets'
N. Korea sentences U.S. student to 15 years hard labor

N. Korea sentences U.S. student to 15 years hard labor 02:33
The detainment of Americans and other foreign citizens is interpreted by North Korea watchers as the collection of bargaining chips.
"It shows anyone or anything can be used as political, military or economic leverage," said Jasper Kim, director of Ewha University's Center for Conflict Management.
"I think the strategy by DPRK is to collect possible assets for leverage and basically, playing a game of geopolitical poker, unveiling cards strategically when they have the most value," he said, using an abbreviation for North Korea.
Kim, who was detained last October, was only revealed to have been held in January. He was sentenced a day after North Korea carried out two provocative -- but apparently failed -- missile tests.
"The beginning of the year is particularly strategic, typically a lot of things happen at that point: the joint military exercises between U.S. and ROK (South Korea), that occurs and this year in particular, Worker's Party congress which hasn't happened since 1980," Jasper Kim said.
What is the Worker's Party congress and why does it matter?
The "DPRK is definitely getting more aggressive, more erratic," he said.
CNN's Will Ripley, Chieu Luu, Sol Han and Elise Labott contributed to this report.

James Park님의 댓글

James Park 작성일

Washington Post  has also reported Rev.Kim Dong Chul:

TOKYO — North Korea has sentenced a former Virginia man to 10 years in prison with hard labor for subversion, its official news agency said Friday, in the latest case involving an American being detained by Kim Jong Un’s regime.

Kim Dong-chul, 62, who was born in South Korea but became a U.S. citizen in 1987, was accused of “perpetrating the state subversive plots and espionage against the DPRK,” the Korean Central News Agency reported, using the official abbreviation for North Korea.

“The accused confessed to all crimes he had committed to overthrow the social system of the DPRK while viciously slandering the dignity of its supreme leadership and its political system and gathered and offered information on its party, state and military affairs to the south Korean puppet regime, which are tantamount to state subversive plots and espionages,” said the state-run agency.

[What it’s like to be an American held in North Korea]

Kim’s sentence was, however, more lenient than the 15 years with hard labor handed down to Otto Warmbier, 21, a University of Virginia student convicted of subversion in March after a court found that he had committed a crime “pursuant to the U.S. government’s hostile policy” toward North Korea.

What life looks like inside North Korea
View Photos Scenes from inside the hermit kingdom.
In Kim’s case, KCNA reported that the prosecutor demanded 15 years of hard labor but that the “defense counsel” asked the court “to commute the demanded penalty, arguing that the crimes by the accused are very serious but he is old and may repent of his faults, witnessing for himself the true picture of the prospering DPRK.”

North Korea has no Western-style judicial process, but the KCNA report was written to suggest that a trial had taken place, complete with an independent defense counsel.

North Korea has in recent years developed a habit of detaining U.S. citizens and using them as bargaining chips in negotiations with the United States, its avowed enemy. All detainees were eventually released after high-profile Americans, including former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, traveled to Pyongyang — visits portrayed in the state media as signs of North Korea’s strength.

[North Korea sentences college student to 15 years of hard labor]

In addition to the two Americans, three South Koreans and a Korean Canadian pastor are known to be held in North Korea. The Canadian, Lim Hyeon-soo, is serving a life sentence for subversion.

Little is known about the case of Kim, who was arrested on espionage charges in October.

In a highly scripted display, Kim was brought before reporters in Pyongyang in March and said that he had spied for South Korea’s intelligence agencies, sought to obtain details of North Korea’s military programs and tried to spread “religious” ideas — a serious crime in the North. He described his alleged acts as “unpardonable” but appealed for leniency.

How detained American citizens have apologized to North Korea 
Play Video1:02
A University of Virginia student confessed to a "severe crime" during an orchestrated news conference in North Korea on Feb. 29. Here's how other U.S. citizens detained in North Korea have apologized to the country in recent years. (Victoria Walker/The Washington Post)
Such “confessions” have become part of North Korea’s playbook for detainees. After their release, several detainees have described being told what to say by their North Korean captors.

In a carefully controlled interview with CNN in January, Kim said he is a naturalized U.S. citizen and had lived in Fairfax County, Va., before moving in 2001 to the Chinese city of Yanji, a main gateway for trade with nearby North Korea.

In the interview, overseen by North Korean officials, Kim said he worked in the Rajin-Sonbong special economic zone, just over the border in North Korea, as head of a trade and hotel services company.

Warmbier was accused of trying to steal a propaganda banner during an organized tour over the New Year’s holiday. He was convicted and sentenced after a one-hour trial in North Korea’s Supreme Court.

[North Korea claims video shows student caught in act]

Some analysts had speculated that North Korea would try to get a U.S. official to travel to Pyongyang to secure the release of Warmbier and Kim in the lead-up to a much-anticipated Workers’ Party congress starting May 6. Such a visit would doubtless be portrayed in North Korea’s state media as a sign of the United States paying homage to Kim Jong Un’s regime.

However, two diplomats and a former government official with knowledge of the discussions, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter, said that no plans are underway for a high-profile official to travel to Pyongyang.

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Separately, North Korea accused U.S. soldiers at Panmunjom, the “truce village” inside the demilitarized zone that separates the two Koreas, of “dangerous provocations” over the past month, including pointing their fingers, “making weird remarks” and mocking the North Korean side “through disgusting expression and behavior.”

A simple concrete ledge marks the border between buildings in Panmunjom, meaning North Korean and South Korean soldiers might stand only a few feet apart.

The U.S. and South Korean militaries are wrapping up two months of joint exercises aimed at preparing for the sudden collapse of, or an invasion by, North Korea. Every year, Pyongyang strongly objects to the exercises.

“The U.S. imperialists and their stooges should not forget even a moment what miserable end provocateurs met while going reckless in the area at the risk of death,” KCNA warned in a separate report.

Read more:

QUIZ: Can you tell the real North Korean news service from the fake one?

How the U.S. Army practices for a North Korean attack

Just about the only way to escape North Korea is if a relative has already escaped

박수치자님의 댓글

박수치자 작성일

조선 정부가 저런 개쓰레기놈을 죽여서 장기를 조선의 인민들에게 주어야 하는데 차마 생명은 거두지 않아서 저놈 새끼는 감사해야한다.
지놈은 아마 조선이 악의 축이요, 사탄이라고 생각해서 조선에 기여들어가서 체제 전복을 위해 간첩질을 했지만 체포됬으니
아주 잘된 일이다.
나같은 사람은 남조선에서도 항상 일용직 노가다를 하고 배움도 부족해서 조선에 가면 조선에서 그 위대한 주체사상에 관한 많은 책들을 읽어보고 싶고 조선의 많은 사람들과 민족의 장래에 관해서 많이 듣고 대화를 나누고 싶은데 저런 개새끼는 미국 시민권자에 목사까지 하는 씨불랄놈이 우리의 자랑스런 참된조국에 불순한 동기로 기어들어 갔지만 그나마 조선정부가 자애로와서 차마 죽여버리는 것 대신에 10년 교화형이라는 관용을 베푼 것이다.

위대한 우리 조국 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 만세! 김정은 원수님 만세!


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