[진단-1]도대체 수소탄 시험성공은 어떤 의미를 갖는가? > 국제

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[진단-1]도대체 수소탄 시험성공은 어떤 의미를 갖는가?

페이지 정보

작성자 편집실 작성일16-01-08 09:43 조회13,030회 댓글4건


지금 전 세계는 야단법석이다. 도대체 수소탄은 어떤 것이며 이것의 시험성공이 갖는 의미는 무엇인가? 게시판 애독자 김성호님의 글을 통해 수소탄 성공의 의미와 수소탄이란 도대체 어떤것인가에 대하여 몇차례 나눠서 소개한다. [민족통신 편집실]



             [진단]도대체 수소탄 시험성공은 어떤 의미를 갖는가?

지금 전 세계는 야단법석이다. 도대체 수소탄은 어떤 것이며 이것의 시험성공이 갖는 의미는 무엇인가?

미국의 무분별한 대북침략을 위한 전쟁연습으로 조선반도는 세계최대의 열점지역, 핵전쟁의 발원지로 되었다. 아시아태평양지역의 전략적 요충지에 자리 잡고 있고 대국들의 이해관계가 복잡하게 얽혀있는 조선반도에서 전쟁이 일어나면 그것은 곧 핵전쟁으로 되며 세계대전으로 확대되지 않을 수 없다. 세계가 남한에서 전쟁연습이 벌어질 때마다 불안과 우려를 표시하고 있는 것도 이와 관련되어있다. 조선의 첨단화 된 수소탄 소형화 시험과 보유는 조선반도에서 전쟁을 막고 세계의 평화를 보장하기 위해서 만들어진 억제력이지 누구를 위협하거나 먼저 핵을 사용하지 않을 것을 세계에 선언하였다. 

결론부터 말한다면, 2016년 초장부터 전게될 한미합동 북침전쟁연습은 무조건 중지 되여야 한다. 그것만이 조선반도에서 평화적 환경을 마련할 수 있는 길이다. 전쟁연습이 벌어지는 살벌한 분위기 속에서 조선반도와 세계의 평화와 안전보장에 대하여 논한다는 것은 말도 되지 않는다. 동북아의 평화와 지역의 안정을 위해 인내성 있게 노력하는 것은 조선의 일관한 입장이며 조선반도의 평화와 안전을 수호하고 세계평화를 보장하려는 조선의 의지는 확고부동하다. 미국이 전쟁에 불을 단다면 조선은 정의의 성전으로 단호히 대답해나설 것이다. 

그런데 도대체 수소탄이란 어떤 것인가?

◆ 수소탄이란?


수소탄은 핵중의 핵이다. 6일 조선이 수소탄 시험을 했다고 국가적으로 공식발표하면서 수소탄(Hydrogen Bomb)과 원자폭탄(Atomic Bomb)의 차이를 두고 대중의 혼란이 커지고 있다. 수소탄과 원자탄은 모두 '핵폭탄'의 일종이라 둘이 비슷한 것처럼 들릴 수 있지만 그러나 실상은 그 반대다. 수소탄은 원자탄의 수천 배 파괴력을 지닌 훨씬 더 강력한 폭탄이다. 인류 최강의 병기다. 이 때문에 수소탄은 원자탄보다 만들기도 더 어렵고 기술적으로도 까다롭기 그지없다. 이 수소탄을 조선이 누구의 도움 없이 100% 자체로 만들었다. 지금껏 수소탄을 무기로 개발한 국가는 미국, 러시아, 중국, 영국, 프랑스 등 유엔 안전보장이사회의 상임이사국 5곳에 불과하다. 

그러나 각 국가마다 수소탄을 개발하는 공정에서 기술이 똑 같은 것은 아니다. 미국은 미국식, 조선은 조선식으로 핵과 수소탄을 개발하였다. 수소탄과 원자탄은 뭐가 다를까? 기술적으로 훨씬 구식인 원자탄은 우라늄이나 플루토늄을 응축시켜 '핵분열'을 일으키는 것이 골자다. 우라늄·플루토늄 내 핵이 연쇄적으로 마구 쪼개지면서 생기는 엄청난 고열에너지를 이용해 수천 수 만도의 고온과 충격파를 만드는 것이다. 원자탄은 지금껏 실전에 단 두 번에 쓰였다. 

2차 대전 막바지 일본 히로시마와 나가사키에 떨어진 원자탄이 바로 그 예다. 수소탄은 원자탄보다 원리가 훨씬 복잡하다. 수소탄에는 기폭장치로 원자탄이 들어간다. 이 원자탄이 터지며 폭탄 내 중수소와 삼중수소가 '핵융합' 반응을 일으키게 된다. 수소탄의 '수소' 명칭은 이때 쓰이는 중수소와 삼중수소가 수소의 동위원소이기 때문에 붙었다. 이 핵융합 반응은 에너지가 매우 큰 고속 중성자를 만들고 이어 고속중성자는 폭탄에 들어간 우라늄 238의 핵분열을 촉발시키면서 엄청난 파괴력을 만들어낸다. 

위대한 령도자 김정일 동지는 다음과 같이 지적하였다.《에너지를 효과적으로 이용하고 절약하기 위한 과학기술적 문제들을 풀어야 하며 태양에너지, 풍력 에너지를 비롯한 새로운 에너지를 개발하기 위한 연구에 힘을 넣어 그 이용전망을 확고히 열어놓아야 합니다.》오늘날 세계는 에너지위기, 식량위기, 생태환경의 파괴와 같은 전 지구적인 심각한 문제들에 직면하고 있다. 이로부터 여러 나라들에서 새 에너지 개발이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 

인류가 에너지 위기에서 완전히 벗어나자면 핵융합 에너지를 개발 이용하여야 한다. 그것은 핵융합연료가 제일 값이 눅고 무진장할 뿐만 아니라 안전하고 깨끗하기 때문이다. 일반적으로 핵융합반응을 실현시키자면 수억~수십억℃의 온도(고열)가 요구된다. 이로부터 많은 사람들이 지구상에서 핵융합반응을 실현시키는 것을 꿈의 기술이라고 생각하여왔다. 그러나 과학자들은 온갖 도전을 물리치고 실험 실적으로 수억~수십억℃의 온도를 달성하였으며 기술적으로 핵융합에너지 생산원리를 확증하였다. 

그리고 이 에너지를 쓰기 편리한 동력으로 발전시키고 경제성, 안전성, 환경보호의 측면에서 사회가 수용할 수 있도록 기술을 완성해나가고 있다. 실례로 여러 나라들이 공동으로 막대한 자금을 들여 건설하고 있는 소련식《또까마 방식》의 핵융합 시험로와《레이저 핵융합로》에 대한 연구를 들 수 있다. 이러한 핵융합 방식들에서는 모두 연소온도가 낮은 중수소, 초중수소를 연료로 쓰는데 반응생성물은 주로〈중성자〉들이다. 

이 중성자들로부터 열을 얻고 증기 타빈을 돌려 전기를 생산하자면 아직 많은 문제들이 해결 되여야 하며 중성자에 의한 생태환경의 파괴문제를 심중히 고려하여야 한다. 그러므로 실용화하자면 아직 많은 시간이 더 걸릴 것으로 예견되고 있다. 이러한 방식의 핵융합연구는 현재 발전 되였다고 하는 몇 개 나라들에 국한 되여 있다. 그러나 그 개발과정이 너무 완만하여 사람들에게 심리적인 압박감만 더 해주고 있다. 

제국주의자들은 인류가 요구하는 값이 저렴한 에너지 보다 도 수많은 과학자들을 동원하여 첨단 핵기술을 독점하고 세계를 제패하는데만 이해관계를 가지고 있다. 게다가 원유, 가스독점재벌은 마지막 한 방울이 남을 때까지 원유라는 무기로 세계의 패권을 좌우지하려 하면서 자기의 경쟁대상인 저렴한 핵융합에네르기의 개발과정을 암암리에 조종하고 있다. 

지금 인류는 새로운 희망을 주는 값이 저렴한 새 에너지 원천이 하루빨리 개발되기를 바라고 있다. 조선의 수소-붕소집초 핵융합이라는 새로운 개념과 이론은 이러한 시대적 요구를 반영하여 나온 새롭고 혁신적이며 평화적인 핵개발 방식이다. 이것을 내놓은 조선의 과학자들은《또까마》연구 나 《레이자 핵융합》에 대비하여 100분의 1의 적은 자금으로 핵융합장치들을 만들고 연소성능도 훨씬 높은 지표들에 도달하였다. 

이들은 수십억℃의 온도(고온)를 달성하고 새로운 수소-붕소를 연료로 하는 집초 핵융합을 실현할 수 있는 지표들에 접근하였다. 수소-붕소핵융합반응은 10억℃이상의 높은 온도에서 수소 핵과 붕소 핵이 융합 되였다가 3개의 α-립자(두개의 양성자와 두개의 중성자로 이루어져있는 헬리움 핵)로 갈라지면서 막대한 에너지를 내는 핵반응이다.  이 핵반응에서는 생태환경을 파괴하는 중성자가 나오지 않는다. 과학자들은 현재 이 무중성자 핵반응을 리용하는 직접발전기술을 완성하는 단계에 있으며 앞으로 수년 내에 실용화할 목표를 세우고 연구를 다그치고 있다. 

수소-붕소 집초 핵융합방식은 조선식 연구방식이다. 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 수소와 붕소를 연료로 하고 간단한 방법으로 수십억℃의 온도를 얻을 수 있는 플라즈마 집초 장치를 쓰게 된다. 그리고 많은 자금이 들게 되는 증기 터빈이나 발전기가 없이 핵반응과정에 나오는 양전기를 띠고 있는 α-립자들에 의해 하게 된다. 앞으로 이 기술이 완성되면 지금까지 쓰이던 전기생산방식이나 앞으로 완성될《또까마》핵융합방식에 비해 발전원가를 100분의 1로 줄이면서도 환경피해가 없는 소규모 핵발전소를 지역별로 분산배치 할 수 있는 가능성이 열린다고 한다. 

전문가들은 수소-붕소집초 핵융합에 의한 전기생산방법이 핵융합기술을 실용화하는데서 빠른 길이라고 보았던 핵융합-분열 혼성로 보다 더 빠른 지름길이라고 보고 있다. 수소-붕소 집초 핵융합에 의한 직접발전기술은 안전하고 깨끗하며 값 눅은 에네르기 생산방식으로서 전통적인 핵융합에 의한 방식들과 당당히 경쟁할 수 있는 기술로 등장하고 있다. 수소-붕소 집초 핵융합 기술은 평화적인 핵개발기술이며 여러 나라들에서 공동연구의 움직임을 보이고 있다. 현재 개발자들은 이 기술이 실용화에 거의 접근했다고 주장하고 있다. 

전문가들은 앞으로 구조가 단순하면서도 다른 장치들에 비할 바 없이 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있는 플라즈마 집초 장치와 그것을 이용하는 수소-붕소 집초 핵융합과 같이 평화적이며 원가가 적고 실용화가 빠른 새로운 핵융합방식의 연구에 대한 세계적인 관심이 더욱 높아질 것이라고 보고 있다. 이미 핵융합기술개발에서 성과를 이룩한 우리나라의 과학자들도 수소-붕소 집초 핵융합에 대한 연구를 심화시키고 있다.(2010년 5월 로동신문에서 발취) 

즉 '원자탄의 핵분열→핵융합→핵분열'의 연쇄 반응이 일어나는 것이다. 수소탄은 이 과정을 반복해 파괴력을 원자탄과 비교가 어려울 정도로 끌어올릴 수 있다. 수소탄은 1950년대 처음 개발됐지만 지금껏 실제 전쟁에서 쓰인 경우는 아직 없다. 수소탄은 위력도 가공할만하지만 소형화가 가능해 전략적 가치가 크다. 장거리 미사일 탄두로 탑재해 버튼 하나로 먼 곳의 적을 말살하는 것이 가능해진 것이다. 이 때문에 수소탄은 과거 냉전시절 미국과 소련의 대륙간탄도미사일 개발 경쟁을 부채질한 '원흉'이 되었다.  (다음에 계속)



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그리고 모두 남조선에서 미제 강점군, 남조선 매국 역도들, 그 식솔들 그리고 동조하는 남조선 쓰레기 국민이라는 것들을 모조리 쓸어 버리자!
그리고 이땅에 조국을 사랑하고 사회주의 조국의 존엄과 고결함을 하늘 높여 우러러 보는 순결한 우리 겨레들만 살자!

내나라 내 겨레! 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 만세!

편집실님의 댓글

편집실 작성일

Why North Korea is developing nuclear weapons

Stephen Gowans

 1049


This article was first published on the “what’s left” blog on Feb. 16, 2013. It is re-published here with the author’s permission. It has been slightly edited for style.

Is North Korea’s recent nuclear test, its third, to be welcomed, lamented or condemned? It depends on your perspective. If you believe that a people should be able to organize their affairs free from foreign domination and interference; that the United States and its client government in Seoul have denied Koreans in the south that right and seek to deny Koreans in the north the same right; and that the best chance that Koreans in the north have for preserving their sovereignty is to build nuclear weapons to deter a US military conquest, then the test is to be welcomed.

If you’re a liberal, you might believe that the United States should offer the DPRK (the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea’s official name) security guarantees in return for Pyongyang completely, permanently and verifiably eliminating its nuclear weapons program. If so, your position invites three questions.
◾Contrary to the febrile rhetoric of high U.S. officials, the United States is not threatened by North Korea. North Korea’s nuclear weapons capability is a defensive threat alone. The DPRK’s leaders are not unaware that a first-strike nuclear attack would trigger an overwhelming U.S. nuclear retaliatory strike, which, as then U.S. President Bill Clinton once warned, “would mean the end of their country as we know it.” Since a North Korean first-strike would be suicidal (and this is not lost on the North Korean leadership), whether Pyongyang has or doesn’t have nuclear weapons makes little difference to U.S. national security. What, then, would motivate Washington to offer genuine security guarantees? It can’t be argued that U.S. national security considerations form the basis of the guarantees, since the threat to the United States of a nuclear-armed North Korea is about the same as a disarmed North Korea—approximately zero.
◾How credible could any security guarantee be, in light of the reality that since 1945 Washington has invested significant blood and treasure in eliminating all expressions of communism and anti-imperialism on the Korean peninsula. The argument that the United States could issue genuine security guarantees would have to explain what had transpired to bring about a radical qualitative shift in U.S. policy from attempting to eliminate communism in Korea to détente with it.
◾Why is it incumbent on North Korea alone to disarm? Why not the United States too?

The conservative view, on which I shall not tarry, is simple. Anything North Korea does, except surrender, is blameworthy.

Finally, you might lament Pyongyang’s nuclear test for running counter to nuclear non-proliferation, invoking the fear that growth in the number of countries with nuclear weapons increases the risk of war. But this view crumbles under scrutiny. The elimination of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq didn’t reduce the chances of U.S. military intervention in that country—it increased them. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s voluntary elimination of his WMD didn’t prevent a NATO assault on Libya—it cleared the way for it. The disarming of countries that deny the U.S. ruling class access to markets, natural resources, and investment opportunities, in order to use these for their own development, doesn’t reduce the risk of wars of conquest—it makes them all the more certain.

The radical view locates the cause of wars of conquest since the rise of capitalism in the drive for profits. This compulsion chases the goods, services and capital of corporate-dominated societies over the face of the globe to settle everywhere, nestle everywhere, and establish connections everywhere, irrespective of the wishes, interests, development needs and welfare of the natives. If territories aren’t voluntarily opened to capital penetration through trade and investment agreements, their doors are battered down by the Pentagon, the enforcer of last resort of a world economic order supporting, as its first commitment, the profit-making interests of the U.S. ruling class.


Because North Korea has long been vilified and condemned by the Western press as bellicose, provocative and unpredictable, it’s difficult to cut through the fog of vituperation that obscures any kind of dispassionate understanding of the country to grasp that the DPRK represents something praiseworthy: a tradition of struggle against oppression and foreign domination, rooted in the experience of a majority of Koreans dating back to the end of WWII and the period of Japanese colonial rule. This tradition found expression in the Korean People’s Republic, a national government, created by, for, and of Koreans, that was already in place when U.S. troops landed at Inchon in September 1945.

The new government was comprised of leftists who had won the backing of the majority, partly because they had led the struggle against Japan’s colonial occupation, and partly because they promised relief from exploitation by landlords and capitalists. The USSR, which occupied the north of the country until 1948, worked with the KPR in its occupation zone, but the United States suppressed the NPR in the south, worked to exterminate leftist forces in its zone, and backed conservatives reviled by Koreans for their oppressions and collaboration with the Japanese.

By 1948, the peninsula was divided between a northern government led by guerrillas and activists who fought to liberate Korea from Japanese rule, and a southern government led by a U.S.-installed anti-communist backed by conservatives tainted by collaboration with colonial oppression. For the next 65 years, the essential character of the competing regimes has remained the same. Park Geun-hye, the incoming South Korean president is the daughter of a former president, Park Chung-hee, who came to power in a military coup in 1961.

The elder Park had served in the Japanese Imperial Army. Kim Il Sung, grandfather of North Korea’s current leader, Kim Jong-eun, was an important guerrilla leader who, unlike the collaborator Park, fought, rather than served, the Japanese. The North represents the traditions of struggle against foreign domination, both political and economic, while the South represents the tradition of submission to and collaboration with a foreign hegemon. Significantly, there are no foreign troops stationed in North Korea, but are in South Korea. North Korean troops have never fought abroad, but South Korea’s have, odiously in Vietnam, in return for infusions of mercenary lucre from the Americans, and later in Iraq.

As regards repression, South Korea’s authoritarianism on behalf of rightist causes is long and enduring, typified in the virulently anti-communist National Security Law, which metes out harsh punishment to anyone who so much as publicly utters a kind word about North Korea. The South Korean police state also blocks access to pro-North Korean websites, bans books, including volumes by Noam Chomsky and heterodox (though pro-capitalist) economist Ha Joon-chang, and imprisons anyone who travels to the North.


Since the Korean War the United States and South Korea have maintained unceasing pressure on North Korea through subversion, espionage, propaganda, economic warfare and threats of nuclear attack and military invasion. Low-intensity warfare sets as its ultimate objective the collapse of the North Korean government. Unremitting military pressure forces Pyongyang to maintain punishingly high expenditures on defense (formalized in the country’s Songun, or “army first” policy). Massive defense expenditures divert critical resources from the civilian economy, retarding economic growth. At the same time, trade and financial sanctions heap further harm on the economy. Economic dislocations disrupt food supplies, make life harsh for many North Koreans, and breed discontent. Discontent in turn engenders political opposition, which is beaten back and contained by measures of repression and restriction of civic and political liberties.

In response, Washington disingenuously deplores Pyongyang’s military expenditures at a time North Koreans “are starving”; denounces Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program as a “provocation” (rather than a defense against U.S. military threat); dishonestly attributes the country’s economic difficulties to allegedly inherent weaknesses in public ownership and central planning (rather than sanctions and financial strangulation); and chastises the DPRK for its repressive measures to check dissent (ultimately traceable to U.S. pressures). In other words, the regrettable features of North Korea that Washington highlights to demonize and discredit the DPRK are the consequences, not the causes, of U.S. North Korea policy. To view U.S. policy as a reaction to the DPRK’s nuclear weapons program, economic difficulties, and repressions is to get the causal direction wrong.

US foreign policy

U.S. foreign policy aims to secure and defend access to foreign markets, natural resources and investment opportunities and deny communists and nationalists control because access might be blocked, limited or freighted with social welfare and domestic development considerations.

As a general rule, the American government’s attitude to governments in the Third World … depends very largely on the degree to which these governments favor American free enterprise in their countries or are likely to favor it in the future. … In this perspective, the supreme evil is obviously the assumption of power by governments whose main purpose is precisely to abolish private ownership and private enterprise. … Such governments are profoundly objectionable not only because their actions profoundly affect foreign-owned interests and enterprises or because they render future capitalist implantation impossible [but also] because the withdrawal of any country from the world system of capitalist enterprise is seen as constituting a weakening of that system and as providing encouragement to further dissidence and withdrawal. [1]

North Korea is one of the few countries left that commits “the supreme evil.” Allowed to develop in peace, unimpeded by military pressure and economic warfare, it might become an inspiration for other countries to follow. From the perspective of the U.S. ruling class, the United States’ North Korea policy must have one overarching objective: the DPRK’s demise. Asked by The New York Times to explain the aim of U.S. policy on North Korea, then U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton “strode over to a bookshelf, pulled off a volume and slapped it on the table. It was called ‘The End of North Korea.’” “‘That,’ he said, ‘is our policy.’” [2]

On top of profit-making goals, and crippling North Korea economically, politically and socially to prevent its emergence as an inspiring example to other countries, Washington seeks to maintain access to its strategic position on a peninsula whose proximity to China and Russia provides a forward operating base from which to pressure these two significant obstacles to the United States’ complete domination of the globe.

Threats of nuclear war

According to declassified and other U.S. government documents, some released on the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, from “the 1950s’ Pentagon to today’s Obama administration, the United States has repeatedly pondered, planned and threatened the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea.” [3] These documents, along with the public statements of senior US officials, point to an ongoing pattern of U.S. nuclear intimidation of the DPRK.
◾The United States introduced nuclear weapons to the Korean peninsula as early as 1950. [4]
◾During the Korean War, U.S. President Harry Truman announced that the use of nuclear weapons was under active consideration; U.S. Air Force bombers flew nuclear rehearsal runs over Pyongyang; and U.S. commander General Douglas MacArthur planned to drop 30 to 50 atomic bombs across the northern neck of the Korean peninsula to block Chinese intervention. [5]
◾In the late 1960s, nuclear-armed U.S. warplanes were maintained on 15-minute alert to strike North Korea. [6]
◾In 1975, U.S. Defense Secretary James Schlesinger acknowledged for the first time that U.S. nuclear weapons were deployed in South Korea. Addressing the North Koreans, he warned, “I do not think it would be wise to test (US) reactions.” [7]
◾In February 1993, Lee Butler, head of the U.S. Strategic Command, announced the United States was retargeting hydrogen bombs aimed at the old USSR on North Korea (and other targets.) One month later, North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. [8]
◾On July 22, 1993, U.S. President Bill Clinton said if North Korea developed and used nuclear weapons “we would quickly and overwhelmingly retaliate. It would mean the end of their country as we know it.” [9]
◾In 1995, Colin Powell, who had served as chairman of the U.S. Joints Chiefs of Staff and would later serve as U.S. secretary of state, warned the North Koreans that the United States had the means to turn their country into “a charcoal briquette.” [10]
◾Following North Korea’s first nuclear test on October 9, 2006, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reminded North Korea that “the United States has the will and the capability to meet the full range—and I underscore full range of its deterrent and security commitments to Japan [emphasis added].” [11]
◾In April 2010, US defense secretary Leon Panetta refused to rule out a U.S. nuclear attack on North Korea, saying, “all options are on the table.” [12]
◾On February 13, 2013, Panetta described North Korea as “a threat to the United States, to regional stability, and to global security.” He added: “Make no mistake. The US military will take all necessary steps to meet our security commitments to the Republic of Korea and to our regional allies [emphasis added].” [13]

As the North Koreans put it, “no nation in the world has been exposed to the nuclear threat so directly and for so long as the Koreans.” [14]

“For over half a century since early in the 1950s, the US has turned South Korea into the biggest nuclear arsenal in the Far East, gravely threatening the DPRK through ceaseless manoeuvres for a nuclear war. It has worked hard to deprive the DPRK of its sovereignty and its right to exist and develop…. thereby doing tremendous damage to its socialist economic construction and the improvement of the standard of people’s living.” [15]

Economic warfare

The breadth and depth of U.S. economic warfare against North Korea can be summed up in two sentences:

North Korea is “the most sanctioned nation in the world”—George W. Bush. [16]

“… there are few sanctions left to apply.”—The New York Times [17]

From the moment it imposed a total embargo on exports to North Korea three days after the Korean War began in June 1950, the United States has maintained an uninterrupted regimen of economic, financial, and diplomatic sanctions against North Korea. These include:
◾Limits on the export of goods and services.
◾Prohibition of most foreign aid and agricultural sales.
◾A ban on Export-Import Bank funding.
◾Denial of favorable trade terms.
◾Prohibition of imports from North Korea.
◾Blocking of any loan or funding through international financial institutions.
◾Limits on export licensing of food and medicine for export to North Korea.
◾A ban on government financing of food and medicine exports to North Korea.
◾Prohibition on import and export transactions related ttransportation.
◾A ban on dual-use exports (i.e., civilian goods that could be adapted tmilitary purposes).
◾Prohibition on certain commercial banking transactions. [18]

In recent years, U.S. sanctions have been complemented by “efforts to freeze assets and cut off financial flows” [19] by blocking banks that deal with North Korean companies from access to the U.S. banking system. The intended effect is to make North Korea a banking pariah that no bank in the world will touch. Former U.S. President George W. Bush was “determined to squeeze North Korea with every financial sanction possible” until its economy collapsed. [20] The Obama administration has not departed from the Bush policies.

Washington has also acted to sharpen the bite of sanctions, pressing other countries to join its campaign of economic warfare against a country it faults for maintaining a Marxist-Leninist system and non-market economy. [21] This has included the sponsoring of a United Nations Security Council resolution compelling all nations to refrain from exporting dual-use items to North Korea (a repeat of the sanctions regime that led to the crumbling of Iraq’s healthcare system in the 1990s). Washington has even gone so far as to pressure China (unsuccessfully) to cut off North Korea’s supply of oil. [22]

Drawing the appropriate lesson

On the day Baghdad fell to invading U.S. forces, John Bolton warned Iran, Syria and North Korea to “draw the appropriate lesson from Iraq.” [23] There can be no doubt that Pyongyang drew a lesson, though not the one Bolton intended. The North Koreans did not conclude, as Bolton hoped, that peace and security could be achieved by relinquishing WMDs. Instead, the North Koreans couldn’t fail to grasp the real lesson of the U.S. assault on Iraq. The United States had invaded Iraq only after Saddam Hussein had cleared the way by complying with U.S. demands to destroy his weapons of mass destruction. Had he actually retained the weapons he was falsely accused of hiding and holding in reserve, the Americans would likely have never attacked.

Subsequent events in Libya have only reinforced the lesson. Muammar Gaddafi had developed his own WMD program to protect Libya from Western military intervention. But Gaddafi also faced an internal threat—Islamists, including jihadists linked to Al Qaeda, who sought to overthrow him to create an Islamist society in Libya. After 9/11, with the United States setting out to crush Al Qaeda, Gaddafi sought a rapprochement with the West, becoming an ally in the international battle against Al Qaeda, to more effectively deal with his own Islamist enemies at home. The price of being invited into the fold was to abandon his weapons of mass destruction. When Gaddafi agreed to this condition he made a fatal strategic blunder. An economic nationalist, Gaddafi irritated Western oil companies and investors by insisting on serving Libyan interests ahead of the oil companies’ profits and investors’ returns. Fed up with his nationalist obstructions, NATO teamed up with Gaddafi’s Islamist enemies to oust and kill the Libyan leader. Had he not surrendered his WMDs, Gaddafi would likely still be playing a lead role in Libya. “Who would have dared deal with Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein if they had a nuclear capability?” asks Major General Amir Eshel, chief of the Israeli army’s planning division. “No way.” [24]

Having unilaterally disarmed, Gaddafi was hailed in Western capitals, and world leaders hastened to Tripoli to sign commercial agreements with him. Among Gaddafi’s visitors was the South Korean minister of foreign affairs, and Ban Ki-moon, later to become the U.N. secretary general. Both men urged the “rehabilitated” Libyan leader to persuade the North Koreans to give up their nuclear weapons. [25] Whether Gaddafi acceded to the Koreans’ request is unclear, but if he did, his advice was wisely ignored. In the North Korean view, Gaddafi fell prey to a “bait and switch.” The lesson the DPRK drew from Libya was that the only guarantee of peace on the Korean peninsula is a powerful military, backed by nuclear weapons. [26]

This is neither an irrational view, nor one the West, for all its pieties about nuclear non-proliferation (for others), rejects for itself. Britain, for example, justifies its own nuclear weapons program with reference to the need “to deter and prevent nuclear blackmail and acts of aggression against our vital interests that cannot be countered by other means.” [27] If the UK requires nuclear weapons to deter and prevent nuclear blackmail and acts of aggression, then surely the North Koreans—long on the receiving end of these minatory pressures—do as well. Indeed, the case can be made that the North Koreans have a greater need for nuclear arms than the British do, for whom nuclear blackmail and acts of aggression are only hypotheticals.

General Kevin P. Chilton, head of the U.S. Strategic Command from 2007 to 2011, told Washington Post columnist Walter Pincus in 2010 that, “Throughout the 65-year history of nuclear weapons, no nuclear power has been conquered or even put at risk of conquest.” [28] On the other hand, countries that comply with demands to abandon their WMDs soon find themselves conquered, by countries with nuclear weapons aplenty and no intention of giving them up. Pincus used Chilton’s words to advocate a pre-emptive strike on North Korea to prevent the country from developing a large enough nuclear arsenal to make itself invulnerable to conquest. That no nuclear power has been conquered or put at risk of conquest is “a thought others in government ought to ponder as they watch Iran and North Korea seek to develop nuclear capability,” Pincus wrote. [29]


Nuclear arms have political utility. For countries with formidable nuclear arsenals and the means of delivering warheads, nuclear weapons can be used to extort political concessions from non-nuclear-armed states through terror and intimidation. No country exploits the political utility of nuclear weapons as vigorously as the United States does. In pursuing its foreign policy goals, Washington threatened other countries with nuclear attack on 25 separate occasions between 1970 and 2010, and 14 occasions between 1990 and 2010. On six of these occasions, the United States threatened the DPRK. [30] There have been more U.S. threats against North Korea since. (The United States’ record of issuing threats of nuclear attack against other countries over this period is: Iraq, 7; China, 4; the USSR, 4; Libya, 2; Iran, 1; Syria, 1. Significantly, all these countries, like the DPRK, were under communist or economically nationalist governance when the threats were made.)

Nuclear weapons also have political utility for countries menaced by nuclear and other military threats. They raise the stakes for countries seeking to use their militaries for conquest, and therefore reduce the chances of military intervention. There is little doubt that the U.S. military intervention in Iraq and NATO intervention in Libya would not have been carried out had the targets not disarmed and cleared the way for outside forces to intervene with impunity.

A North Korean nuclear arsenal does not increase the chances of war—it reduces the likelihood that the United States and its South Korean marionette will attempt to bring down the communist government in Pyongyang by force. This is to be welcomed by anyone who opposes imperialist military interventions; supports the right of a people to organize its affairs free from foreign domination; and has an interest in the survival of one of the few top-to-bottom, actually-existing, alternatives to the global capitalist system of oppression, exploitation and foreign domination.


1. Ralph Miliband, The State in Capitalist Society, Merlin Press, 2009, p. 62.

2. “Absent from the Korea Talks: Bush’s Hard-Liner,” The New York Times, September 2, 2003.

3. Charles J. Hanley and Randy Hershaft, “U.S. often weighed N. Korea nuke option,” The Associated Press, October 11, 2010.

4. Hanley and Hershaft.

5. Hanley and Hershaft.

6. Hanley and Hershaft.

7. Hanley and Hershaft.

8. Bruce Cumings, Korea’s Place in the Sun: A Modern History, W.W. Norton & Company, 2005. p. 488-489.

9. William E. Berry Jr., “North Korea’s nuclear program: The Clinton administration’s response,” INSS Occasional Paper 3, March 1995.

10. Bruce Cumings, “Latest North Korean provocations stem from missed US opportunities for demilitarization,” Democracy Now!, May 29, 2009.

11. Lou Dobbs Tonight, October 18, 2006.

12. Hanley and Hershaft.

13. Choe Sang-hun, “New leader in South criticizes North Korea,” The New York Times, February 13, 2013.

14. “Foreign ministry issues memorandum on N-issue,” Korean Central News Agency, April 21, 2010.

15. Korean Central News Agency, February 13, 2013.

16. U.S. News & World Report, June 26, 2008; The New York Times, July 6, 2008.

17. Neil MacFarquhar and Jane Perlez, “China looms over response to nuclear test by North Korea,” The New York Times, February 12, 2013.

18. Dianne E. Rennack, “North Korea: Economic sanctions”, Congressional Research Service, October 17, 2006. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/crs/rl31696.pdf

19. Mark Landler, “Envoy to coordinate North Korea sanctions,” The New York Times, June 27, 2009.

20. The New York Times, September 13, 2006.

21. According to Rennack, the following U.S. sanctions have been imposed on North Korea for reasons listed as either “communism,” “non-market economy” or “communism and market disruption”: prohibition on foreign aid; prohibition on Export-Import Bank funding; limits on the exports or goods and services; denial of favorable trade terms.

22. The Washington Post, June 24, 2005.

23. “U.S. Tells Iran, Syria, N. Korea ‘Learn from Iraq,” Reuters, April 9, 2003.

24. Ethan Bronner, “Israel sense bluffing in Iran’s threats of retaliation,” The New York Times, January 26, 2012.

25. Chosun Ilbo, February 14, 2005.

26. Mark McDonald, “North Korea suggests Libya should have kept nuclear program,” The New York Times, March 24, 2011.

A February 21, 2013, comment by Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency (“Nuclear test part of DPRK’s substantial countermeasures to defend its sovereignty”) noted that,

“The tragic consequences in those countries which abandoned halfway their nuclear programs, yielding to the high-handed practices and pressure of the U.S. in recent years, clearly prove that the DPRK was very far-sighted and just when it made the option. They also teach the truth that the U.S. nuclear blackmail should be countered with substantial countermeasures, not with compromise or retreat.”

An article in the February 22, 2013, issue of Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of North Korea’s ruling Workers Party (“Gone are the days of US nuclear blackmail”) observed that “Had it not been the nuclear deterrence of our own, the U.S. would have already launched a war on the peninsula as it had done in Iraq and Libya and plunged it into a sorry plight as the Balkan at the end of last century and Afghanistan early in this century.”

27. http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/AC00DD79-76D6-4FE3-91A1-6A56B03C092F/0/DefenceWhitePaper2006_Cm6994.pdf

28. Quoted in Walter Pincus, “As missions are added, Stratcom commander keeps focus on deterrence,” The Washington Post, March 30, 2010.

29. Pincus.

30. Samuel Black, “The changing political utility of nuclear weapons: Nuclear threats from 1970 to 2010,” The Stimson Center, August 2010, http://www.stimson.org/images/uploads/research-pdfs/Nuclear_Final.pdf

에드워드 리님의 댓글

에드워드 리 작성일

페북에서 어느 분이 위 영문기사를 간략하게 압축번역한 내용이라 퍼왔네요.

매우 공평한 시각으로 쓴 논설
북(DPRK)의 핵실험을 환영할 것인가, 비난할 것인가? 이는 보는 입장에 달렸다.
외세의 지배와 간섭을 받으면서 외세 의존적으로 살아야 한다고 보는가, 아니면 주권을 지키고 독립적으로 국가를 운영하고자 하는가에 따라 답은 확연히 다를 수 밖에 없다.
1. 미국의 열광적인 선전처럼 북은 위협이 되는가? 북의 핵은 위협이 아니다. 북의 선제공격은 북의 핵포기 만큼이나 가능성이 없다. 제로이다.
2. 1945년 이후 미국이 조선반도에서 공산주의와 반제국주의적 표현을 깡그리 말살하기 위해 얼마나 많은 자금과 피를 소요했는가로 미루어 볼 때 과연 대북 평화보장은 얼마나 믿을 만한가?
3. 왜 일방적으로 DPRK만 무장을 해제해야 하는가?
미국과 그 수하에 있는 남한의 관점은 단 하나이다. 북이 하는 것은, 항복하는 것 외에는 모두 비난의 대상이란 것이다.
북이 핵 비확산조약에 역행한다고 비난하고자 한다면 최근까지 미국의 소행을 봐야한다. 미국은 힘이 없으면 침략 당한다는 교훈을 주었다. 핵을 포기한 국가들은 미국에 의해 전복되었다. 자본세력은 타국과 그 인민들의 이익이나 안녕은 생각하지 않고 오직 자신의 이익을 위해 무차별적으로 침략했다.
1945년 미군이 인천에 상륙하기 전, 조선은 이미 '조선인민공화국(KPR)'이라는 정부형태를 가지고 있었고, 대다수 조선인들은 반제와 반봉건, 계급철폐를 위해 사회주의를 지지했다. 북쪽에 진주한 소련군은 이를 도와 사회주의 국가의 건설에 협조한 반면, 남쪽을 점령한 미군은 독립투사들과 사회주의자들을 탄압하고 학살했다. 북의 전 지도자는 뛰어난 반제, 항일투사였고, 남의 전 지도자는 일제의 부역자였다. 북에는 외국 군대가 없고 남에는 미군이 주둔하고 있다. 북은 남의 나라에서 전쟁을 벌인 적이 없고, 남은 금전적 이익을 위해 베트남에 파병했다. 억압으로 말하자면 남한의 독재세력은 국가보안법으로 북에대한 사소한 우호적 발언조차 체포, 투옥의 근거로 삼는다.
북의 경제적 난관이나 무기개발에 대해 미국이 비판하고 반응하는 것이라고 본다면 이는 인과관계를 거꾸로 생각하는 것이다. 북이 겪은 경제적 난관이나 무기개발은 미국이 일으킨 것이다. 북이 원인이 아니다. 미국이 원인이다.
북의 핵무기개발은 정치적 수단이다. 미국과 외세주구인 남한세력은 북을 붕괴시키려고 끊임없이 북을 괴롭히고 압박한다. 군사훈련과 핵무기로 북을 위협해왔다. 이것에 대한 북의 대응이 핵무기개발이다.
주권과 존엄과 자주적 삶을 추구하려는 인민들, 제국주의의 군사적 개입을 반대하는 사람들, 억압과 착취와 외세지배적인 자본주의 체제를 택하는 대신, 자주적인 사회체제의 추구를 지지하는 사람들에게 북의 핵개발은 환영받을 만한 일이다.
(대충 요약함. 원문은 길고 훨씬 더 잘 써졌다. 시간나면 읽어보시기 바란다.)


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